Lego Nexo Knights Does Clay Ever Become Normal Again

Nexo Knights is a Castle-esque LEGO Theme which was released in 2016. Information technology's the successor to Legends of Chima, with an All-CGI Cartoon aired on Television, which lasted for four seasons. The toyline lasted until 2018, when it was quietly cancelled.

The theme's a hybrid of Castle and sci-fi, where the 6 heroic knights must stop the evil Jestro from summoning an regular army of lava monsters that are attacking the kingdom of Knighton, which has advanced applied science simply a medieval order.

There's a epitomize folio being synthetic.

Tropes that apply to the sets and telly series:

  • 24-Hour Armor: Due to Axl's Nonstandard Character Blueprint, an armorless version of him does non appear in the toyline or cartoon. When Aaron asks him about it, Axl states that he likes to be prepared.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: In "The Maze of Amazement," Axl's little sister, Axlina, is one to Robin.
  • Activeness Girl: Macy.
  • Added Alliterative Appeal: The Forbidden Powers often have alliterative names (eastward.g.: Collapsing Crumble).
  • All There in the Manual: The real-life Book of Monsters contains info on all the monsters in its pages, including some not withal seen in the series.
  • Beast Companion: In "The Might and the Magic," Lance, while imprisoned on a farm, forms a rapport with a pig he names "Hamletta." He even brings Hamletta back to Knighton with him subsequently existence freed.
  • Artifact of Doom:
    • The Volume of Monsters, which corrupts Jestro and summons lava monsters into the kingdom.
    • In season 3 there's the forbidden power tablets.
  • Animal Motifs: All the Knights' crests characteristic an animal matching their personalities in some style. Equally a Parental Bonus, most of them are repurposed logos from prior Castle themes.
    • Clay — Blue-and-white Hawkeye — Blackness Falcons
    • Lance — White Horse — Sir Kentis from Knights Kingdom Two
    • Axl — Golden Bull — Either Sir Adric from Knights Kingdom 2 or Cedric The Bull from Knights Kingdom I
    • Aaron — Orange Wolf — Wolfpack
    • Macy — Blood-red Dragon — Either Blackness Knights or Dragon Masters
    • Robin — A chicken
  • Attention Whore: Lance's innermost fear is obscurity.
  • Back from the Dead: Both Merlok (in a sense) and Monstrox were able to pull this trope off.
  • Base on Wheels: The Fortrex, formerly Ye Olde Royal RV, is a giant castle on tank treads that the knights repurposed to their needs.
  • The Beastmaster: One of the baddies uses the name verbatim.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: Lance'southward robot assistant, Dennis.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Do not ruin Axl's souffle.
    • Practice non mock Jestro by calling him a joke.
    • Do not call Whiparella Whimp-arella.
  • The Big Guy: Axl, who has a rather beefy upper trunk.
    • Big Eater: Every bit an extention of said part, Axl is almost always seen eating.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: The Volume of Monsters and Jestro technically class ane, but TBOM has a role much similar to a Dragon-in-Chief as the true brains, nevertheless they exercise seem to be equal partners.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The story's non-televised conclusion - Monstrox is defeated for practiced, only at the cost of Merlok's life.
  • Bling of War: Starting with year 3, the knights all get golden armor.
  • Cannibalism Superpower: Very odd example. The Book of Monsters is a living Tome of Eldritch Lore that serves as a container for monsters that increases the power and kind of monsters information technology can release past consuming other evil spell books. Even more unusual given the other books are fragments of it that were separated by Merlok.
  • Helm Oblivious: Lance's parents are then amazingly self-captivated that, after being kidnapped, they neglect to realize they're not at a spa, or that Magmar is outright trying to kill them, even when Jestro signal-blank says they're hostages.
  • City of Gold: Lance'due south hometown is this, with his family mansion being the prime instance.
  • Color Coded Magic: The Nexo Power shields correspond to the knight they're meant for (ones for Clay are blue, Macy's red, Aaron dark-green). The Forbidden Powers are black and regal.
  • Cool Machine: Ye Olde Regal RV, especially when modified by Ava and Robin into the Fortrex. Not to mention Dirt's Rumble Blade, given to them equally a gift by the King and Queen.
  • The Corrupter: The Book of Monsters.
  • The Corruption:
    • The Book of Evil turns whatever it touches evil. Information technology renders a rabbit rabid and gives Jestro his Evil Makeover complete with a respective mental attitude.
    • The Forbidden Powers turned their guardians evil.
  • Crown of Horns: Whenever Jestro starts to act truly evil the ends of his jester lid stand to make information technology await like horns.
  • Darker and Edgier: Flavour 3, every bit it strays from the knights being able to use Nexo power to win the fights in some episodes, Clay being slowly turned to rock, as well as Monstrox being able to revive monsters to fight in one case again.
  • Deadpan Snarker:
    • Ava.
    • And then is the male news anchor, who's regularly fed up with his partner'south antics.
  • Demonic Possession: "The Fortrex and the Furious" reveals that this has been the Volume of Monsters/Monstrox'due south plan all along; To manipulate Jestro into collecting all the evil books to regain his strength, then possess Jestro's body. Though in "Kingdom of Heroes", he changes his target to Clay.
  • Denser and Wackier: The monster designs are more exaggerated and cartoonish, and this is the first Castle theme to utilize futuristic technology, with all the ramifications that implies.
  • Descriptiveville: Pretty much every boondocks in Knighton has a name that tells y'all exactly what you're in for when you become there. Snottingham, for example, is a good place to get a cold.
  • Did Not Think This Through: Jestro decided to feed the Book of Chaos to the Book of Monsters, despite the latter warning the sometime that monsters made after eating this book volition be much harder to control.
  • Does Not Like Shoes: Some of the Magma Monsters go barefoot, including Lavaria, Beast Master and Crust Smasher. In the Graphic symbol Encyclopedia, Lavaria's entry notes that she has "blank, clawed anxiety for silent sneaking".
  • Doomy Dooms of Doom: General Magmar'southward Siege Machine of Doom, the vehicle belonging to Magmar himself.
  • Emotionless Daughter: Ava'southward default expression.
  • Enfante Terrible: Implied when The Book of Monsters gets grabbed by a little girl, and when we see him later he'south terrified of insulting her tea.
  • Epic Flail: Animal Master tin use his chained Globlins like this.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: Monstrox's old base was one. After defeating him, Merlok shrunk it downwards and put it in a snowglobe. In the opening episode of season 2, Jestro and the Book of Monsters get it back.
  • Exact Words: Macy tells Jorah Tightwad that if he fails the competiton, he'll get a buss from Lance's sweetheart. Turns out Lance calls Hamletta his sweetheart, so Tightwad is made to osculation a pig.
  • Faceship:
    • Jestro's vehicle, "The Evil Mobile," is a frightening siege wagon with a monstrous jester's visage on its front.
    • There as well his mobile headquarters in flavour iii.
  • Fantasy-Forbidding Father: Macy's dad refuses to let her be a knight because he thinks it'due south too dangerous. Meanwhile, Lance'south parents refused to let him be a celebrity, and made him exist a knight. Lance yet holds a grudge confronting that one, to the extent he refuses to try and rescue them when they're abducted.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: The Volume of Monsters promised Jestro that he would no longer be known as a failure of a comedian, but the baddest baddie this world has ever seen.
  • General Ripper: General Magmar. He comes equipped with a "siege mobile" to bombard his enemies.
  • Gotta Catch 'Em All:
    • The app game Merlok 2.0 has over 108 unlockable shield powers. And since the unlockable hields are all QR codes, in that location are multiple ways to unlock them, including looking them upwardly on youtube and the net. Heck, even the logo is a nexo shield power!
    • In series iii & 4, the bad guys are looking for 10 Forbidden Powers, and so they can activate the Stone Colossus.
  • Guys Nail, Girls Shoot: Inverted. Aaron uses a projectile weapon similar a bow, and Macy uses a behemothic mace.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: The original Merlok sacrificed himself to defend his library, merely he lives on as Merlok two.0.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: Jestro starts out as a decent, if bumbling, court jester, but is corrupted past the Book of Monsters into working with him. In "The Might and the Magic," he has second thoughts about attacking the capital with his monster army, especially since it would involve eliminating Rex Halbert, who was always very nice to him. The Book of Monsters, anticipating such a bear witness of weakness, has Beast Chief feed him the Book of Revenge (which was recovered behind Jestro's dorsum), and uses its power to further corrupt Jestro into going alee with the attack. In "Open Mike Knight", Jestro rediscovers his love for making others laugh, and reverts back to the side of skillful. Only in season three, Monstrox uses his lightning to corrupt Jestro once more. However, the procedure is not permanent, requiring Monstrox to give Jestro regular jolts to go on him evil.
  • Heel–Face up Turn: In season three, the lava monsters become practiced, even helping the Knights to fend off Monstrox's rock army.
  • Hidden Depths: In "The Might and the Magic," Lance, while chained up in a pig sty, confesses to Hamletta that he knows he'south superficial and arrogant, and derides himself for driving everyone abroad.
  • Hologram: Merlok ii.0, a golden holographic wizard.
  • Hover Lath: The knights' shields can be used as these (though Aaron tends to exercise information technology the most).
  • I Meant to Exercise That: Lance when he messes upward part of his routine for the knight graduation anniversary.
  • Invocation: "Merlok! Nexoooo KNIGHTS!" The phrase doesn't seem to be completely necessary, though they do accept to concord their shields up in the air.
  • Kill Information technology Through Its Tum: Well non then much stomach as it is going inside Monstrox and attacking him on the inside till he explodes.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Everywhere. The series is designed to be fun and self-deprecating.
    • In episode ii, correct after driving off Jestro, the knights pose. Macy asks if they have to do this every time. Clay replies that it'due south in the manual.
    • Jorah Tightwad claims he has gold factories, which Macy points out doesn't make sense, since gold is mined.
  • Laughably Evil: Jestro is pretty much a rookie villain. The Book of Monsters is his harried mentor.
  • Similar an Sometime Married Couple: You will definitely get this vibe when you picket the way the Volume of Monsters and Jestro argue.
  • Fabricated of Evil: Monstrox, first he was the Book of Monsters but when defeated, he changes into a evil cloud who can brings statues to life to practice his bidding.
  • Magitek: The knights and fortrex are fueled with Nexo powers, which is magic abilities downloaded to the knights via wifi.
  • Meaningful Proper name: Jorah Tightwad. He really is, refusing to use any of his money to film the Tighty Knighties on a gear up, preferring to film in a dark, isolated forest.
  • Mecha-Mooks: An interesting instance where information technology is the protagonists that deploy these and not the villains.
  • Meta Mecha: The last battle depicted in the Tech Wizard Showdown set, with Clay piloting his Battle Suit and using that to pilot an even larger mecha.
  • Mushroom Man: Mushlord.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • When the Knights are given a demonstration of the Fortrex's holographic training room, i of the holographic environments seen is the panthera leo urban center from Legends of Chima.
    • In "The Golden Castle," Lance'due south agent suggests a new picture show for Lance to star in called "Knightjago", where his character saves the world through spinning.
  • Not-Standard Graphic symbol Blueprint: Axl is a Tiptop-Heavy Guy in comparison to the others' more than usual minifigure proportions. He also has more than athwart easily, with visible knuckles and finger lines.
  • Naught Is Scarier: Aaron's truthful fear, which is well subconscious, is literally nothing. He breaks downwardly if he has nada to practise. Everything else no matter how creepy only pumps him up.
  • Non So Stoic: Ava when she thought Jestro and the Book of Monsters were about to win.
  • Not Quite Dead: In "Kingdom of Heroes", information technology seems every bit though Monstrox has finally been destroyed. But Jestro briefly sees his laughing face in a cloud...
  • Off-Model: Although whether it'due south on the prove's side or the toys' side is debatable, the characters have some notable differences between the two, like Jestro'due south hat and Ava'south hair.
  • Plant Person: The Forest Monsters are a whole group of these.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Due to his avant-garde age, Merlok sometimes forgets important details. For example, when he informs the knights Jestro will raid the castle library, he forgets to tell them Jestro's not after a book, but a snowglobe on the librarian's desk.
  • Post-Modern Magik: Doesn't get more PoMo with mysticism than using the Virtual Ghost of a Magician Archetype as an OS that casts his spells over Wi-Fi.
  • Powered Armor:
    • Robin's Black Knight armor.
    • In the 2nd twelvemonth, the knights all get them, starting with Clay (who needs it but to become around as he starts turning to stone). They later turn out to be able to combine with their new vehicles.
  • Predecessor Villain: The nighttime magician Monstrox, who was defeated by Merlok years ago. He is mentioned several times throughout the outset story arc, with the Volume of Monsters (who knew him personally) holding him in particularly high regard. Though it's less admiration and more stroking his ain ego
  • Previously on…: Herb Herbertson recaps the events of the terminal episode through a "Knighton News Network" segment.
  • Punny Proper name: The names of the knights are based upon the weapons they use:
    • Macy - A mace
    • Lance - A lance
    • Aaron - A bow and arrows
    • Clay Moorington - A dirt-more than
    • Axl - An axe
    • Also, Ava Prentis' proper name is a pun on "apprentice," which she is, and main antagonist Jestro's name is a pun on "jester" (estimate what he was before he became a villain).
  • The Resolution Will Not Be Televised: Since the TV series was cancelled due to lack of funding, though it did get a comic resolution wrapping up the fight with Monstrox.
  • Robot Buddy: Quite a few, who serve as soldiers, servants, and even a chef!
  • Royals Who Really Do Something: Princess Macy is i of the knights, and the King has a fighting mech. The Queen is no slouch in a pinch, either, and largely more than battle ready than the Male monarch.
  • Dominion of Cool: Most of the sets seem to invoke this, like Jestro's Evil Mobile, a behemothic jester-faced chariot fabricated of lava and pulled by a lava giant.
  • Running Gag: The Volume of Monsters tells the monster carrying it to go somewhere, but it will always become the reverse way, and the Book shouts, "No! The other style!"
  • Sealed Evil in a Tin: "The Fortrex and the Furious" reveals that the Book of Monsters, and all the other evil books, are actually the cans containing the divided essence of the necromancer Monstrox, who was defeated and imprisoned by Merlok long ago.
  • Shout-Out:
    • To Monty Python and the Holy Grail - at least iii per episode.
      • The king'due south retainer-bot finishes off a lecture with "and that, my liege, is how nosotros know the Earth to be banana-shaped".
      • The opening episode of season two has Jestro (manifestly) trying to steal the Book of Armaments. Whether information technology can be used to slay brutal rabbits is unknown.
      • A confused Merlok pondering what his middle name is wonders if people call him Tim.
      • Subsequently reforming, the Lava Monsters grade an anarcho-syndicalist commune, just similar the mud farmers.
    • Too to Ability Miners: at one indicate, non-crystalline versions of the larger rock monsters evidence up.
    • In the outset episode, Merlok repels Jestro and the monsters through the spell "Klaatu Barada Nikto".
    • In "The Golden Castle," Lance's agent describes other movies he could star in, such as "Lanceformers" and "Lancevengers".
    • The two reporters not only have a rather aloof mode of reporting very serious events, only they also expect a lot like the reporters from RoboCop (1987)
    • In "The King'due south Tournament", Jorah Tightwad's "Tighty Knighties" all take names resembling celebrities:
      • Shia LiaBlade
      • Jousting Bieber
      • Brickney Spears
      • The Block
    • Gobbleton Rambley is a parody of Gordon Ramsay.
    • The episode "Sat Knight Fever" references the movie Sabbatum Dark Fever.
    • The episode "The Fast and the Furious" references The Fast and the Furious.
    • The head of the Knight's Academy is addicted of shouting "slacker" at students.
    • One of the Nexo Powers is the old LEGO Infinite logo. Sadly, it does not do anything spaceship related.
    • Dirt'southward holiday resort is run by a man designed after Basil Fawlty, right down to speaking a la John Cleese. Just to become the point across, i of the resort's towers gets damaged, causing the man to lament it's "faulty".
  • Sliding Scale of Gender Inequality: Implied to be about a 5. Information technology seems women tin get Knights, only the Action Daughter'due south father just doesn't desire her to be. Her mother, notwithstanding, seems more willing.
    • This may have to do more with the Rex himself beingness afraid about the idea of any member of his family unit being on the front lines.
  • Smurfette Principle: Macy is the only principal knight who is female, as we are frequently made aware.
  • Snake People: Whiparella has a ophidian-similar lower trunk.
  • The Smart Guy:
    • Ava is pretty much a Child Prodigy, complete with a somewhat deadpan tone to her phonation.
    • Robin is no slouch, himself, and is a whiz with hardware and mechanical technology. He handles the hardware, Ava handles the software.
  • Something Completely Different: Besides its main brew-upwards concept, in that location are a few other differences from other Castle themes.
    • This is the first theme to not have a typical mage or lord/knight as the Big Bad.
    • The princess is really a hero and not the Damsel in Distress, sort of like Princess Tempest from the kickoff Knight'south Kingdom line.
  • Spell Book: Several, used by Jestro to summon lava monsters from beyond.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": "Fortrex... spelled with an "10", which makes information technology cool and high-tech."
  • Spider People: Lavaria'due south Ultimate class has a four legged spider-similar lower half. Yet, the associated shield ability indicates that this course is actually beetle-based.
  • Stealth Pun:
    • The Fortrex, which combines "fortress" and rex (Latin for "king). In other words, its proper noun is the same as many previous flagship sets in the Castle line: King'southward Castle!
    • Axl. While his proper noun is plain based on his weapon of option, information technology is spelled with an "XL", which means "extra large".
  • Stripperiffic: All of the female lava monsters. Justified in that they are not human, and thus may not share the same biological science and parts, dressing the fashion they exercise more for the sake of recognizability.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: In "The Maze of Anaesthesia", Axl's family are all shown to look just similar him.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: At one betoken, Jestro tries wearing a hat made of gold. He promptly falls over and has difficulty picking himself upwards considering it'south gilt.
  • Take That!: Two subtle ones in Golden Castle; One comes from Jestro who insults remakes and asks how explosions make anything better. The other is to people who complained about the new fashion. Later on Merlok reminisces on the days where there was only Magic and Knights, Ava says that they can't live in the past.
  • Technician vs. Performer: During the Male monarch's Tournament the Tighty Knighties effortlessly schoolhouse the Nexo Knights. However when Jestro'south monster forces show up they are all either terrified or easily dispatched while the Nexo Knights bulldoze off the evil forces. The Tighty Knighties even acknowledge that while they are the superior athletes their opponents were the meliorate warriors.
  • Those Two Guys: Burnzie and Sparkks.
  • Tome of Eldritch Lore: The Book of Monsters, certainly, simply too the other books it seeks out to increment its powers. They consist of the Books of Evil, Chaos, Fearfulness, Anger, Deception, Destruction, Revenge, Greed, Envy, Cruelty and Betrayal.
  • Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: Aaron is too fearless to exist defeated by Whiparella, who is completely exasperated trying to get a fear response out of him. His taunting ends up seriously hurting her feelings too, she cries when reporting back to Jestro.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: Axl.
  • Totally Radical: The robot announcer Alice, who, on top of saying lots of puns, thinks she's "hip".
    • Merlok has an occasional go at it also, like when ordering the knights to show their "totes amazeballs" moves.

      Ava: Wow, magic hipness. Score i for the erstwhile dude.

  • Tron Lines: Knighton technology has these in lovely Neon Chainsaw Orange. The knights' armor glows with them whenever they power up.
  • Villainous Harlequin: Jestro, the Large Bad.
  • Tearing Glaswegian: Reex, Roog and Rumble have Scottish accents.
  • Voice with an Cyberspace Connectedness: Merlok 2.0 and Ava are both literal cases, which has been known to cause bug.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Played with, the Tighty Knighties are skilled in tournaments compared to the Nexo Knights but in an actual fight they are screwed.
  • Wham Line: At the stop of "The Fortrex and the Furious":

    Jestro: Just who do you retrieve yous are, anyway?
    The Volume of Monsters: Me? Oh, I know exactly who I am. Before I was trapped in this book, I was the mighty arch-necromancer, Monstrox!

  • Wham Episode: Clay finally turn into stone in episode ix of season three.
  • Whip It Good: Whiparella, a snake woman that dual wields barbed whips that conjure your worst fears.
  • Xtreme Kool Letterz: The Fortrex, which Robin lampshades:

    Robin: ...Because having an Ten in the proper noun makes it cool and how-do-you-do-tech!

  • Youthful Freckles: Macy, Aaron, and Robin all have these.


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