Bills Can Only Originate in the House of Representatives

Hands Off My Purse! Why Money Bills Originate in the House

Easily Off My Purse! Why Money Bills Originate in the Firm

January 27, 2011 3 min read Download Written report

Erik One thousand. Jensen

Distinguished Fellow


Legislative checks and balances is one of the cardinal inventions that convinced Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 9 that the cause of liberty was not lost, in spite of the failure of previous republics throughout the ages. According to the Framers, powers ought non simply to be distributed between the three branches of regime (separation of powers), but Congress, as the almost powerful branch, should exist divided into two, with different constituencies, term lengths, sizes, and functions for each house. In this spirit, the Constitution allocates the power to raise revenue—part of the power of the purse—to the House of Representatives, the legislative body closest to the people. Regrettably, this clause has had little effect in practice every bit the Senate has construed its power to amend so broadly as to replace the entire text of revenue bills that had originated in the Firm. Members of the House of Representatives should be more zealous in protecting this exclusive prerogative. This essay is adapted from The Heritage Guide to the Constitution for a new serial providing ramble guidance for lawmakers.

"All Bills for raising Acquirement shall originate in the House of Representatives; only the Senate may suggest or concord with Amendments as on other Bills."

— Commodity I, Section 7, Clause one

Consistent with the English language requirement that money bills must commence in the House of Commons, the Framers expected that the Origination Clause would ensure that "power over the pocketbook" would lie with the legislative body closer to the people. Nether the Manufactures of Confederation, the national government could not tax individuals, and the clause was 1 of several provisions meant to cabin the national revenue power created under the Constitution. The clause was besides part of a critical compromise between big and small states, helping to temper the large states' unhappiness with equal representation in the Senate by leaving the power to initiate tax bills with the House of Representatives, where the large states had greater influence.

The final version of the clause was much weaker than the form proposed past Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, which would have required all "money bills" (including appropriations) to originate in the Firm and would have given the Senate no power to better. Gerry feared that the Senate would become an aristocratic body considering of its minor size, its pick by legislatures rather than by election, and its vi-year term of office. "It was a saying," he said, "that the people ought to hold the bag-strings."

The strongest proponents of national power opposed the clause in whatsoever grade. As James Wilson of Pennsylvania explained at the Convention, "If both branches were to say yes or no, information technology was of little consequence which should say yes or no commencement." What survived the contentious debates was closer to Wilson'southward vision than to Gerry'southward. The clause was restricted to bills for raising revenue, and the Senate was given the amendment power (which, Gerry thought, gutted the provision of any real effect).

Fifty-fifty in weakened course, nevertheless, the Origination Clause was not meaningless. James Madison, no supporter of the clause at the Convention, gave information technology a generous interpretation in The Federalist No. 58: "The Business firm of Representatives cannot only reject, but they alone tin propose the supplies requisite for the support of the government....This power over the purse may, in fact, be regarded as the most complete and effectual weapon with which any constitution tin can arm the immediate representatives of the people, for obtaining a redress of every grievance, and for conveying into outcome, every merely and salutary measure."

Every bit it turned out, the Origination Clause has had niggling consequence. For one affair, many revenue bills have their intellectual genesis in the Treasury Section, non in Congress. Furthermore, Elbridge Gerry'due south fears were well founded: the Senate's ability to amend is by and large understood in practice to be so broad that the Senate tin can supervene upon the unabridged text of a beak that technically originates in the House.

The understanding that the clause is a nullity reflects practice, however, not doctrine. In its most recent Origination Clause example, United States v. Munoz-Flores (1990), a divided Supreme Courtroom rejected the argument that origination issues are nonjusticiable political questions. The Court held that a plaintiff with standing may pursue a merits that a revenue statute improperly originated in the Senate. In Munoz-Flores, yet, the Court did non reach the larger issues, terminal that a nib to impose a user's fee, where raising revenue was a secondary concern, was not a "beak for raising revenue." The larger issues await another case where a taxpayer field of study to an unquestioned revenue statute tin can raise serious questions near the statute's origin.

Erik G. Jensen is the David L. Brennan Professor of Law at Example Western Reserve Academy.


Erik Thou. Jensen

Distinguished Swain


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